user-experience design
featuring my select user research projects aimed at understanding user traits, usage trends, persona creation, and target group refinement in order to inform the design process and facilitate spatial and digital interfaces, enhance user experience, and improve product lifecycle.
introduction to large data analysis, park visitation case study, aman golshan & dr. wenwen cheng, courtesy of university of oklahoma & texas a&m
large data description and screening, park visitation case study, aman golshan & dr. wenwen cheng, courtesy of university of oklahoma & texas a&m
user research finding, park visitation case study, aman golshan & dr. wenwen cheng, courtesy of university of oklahoma & texas a&m
temporal user behavior analysis, park visitation case study, aman golshan & dr. wenwen cheng, courtesy of university of oklahoma & texas a&m
data variables affecting user behavior, park visitation case study, aman golshan & dr. wenwen cheng, courtesy of university of oklahoma & texas a&m
selena watch, user research inspired design guidelines, aman golshan, courtesy of grandis