aman golshan


As a designer specializing in landscape architecture and industrial design, and as a part of a passionate team at Great Oaks Associates in Michigan, I am dedicated to envisioning designs that enhance user experience, preserve the environment, and enrich human-nature interaction. Let's take a peek at my design world!

design repertoire

portraying a selection of my landscape design projects, from residential design/build and conceptualizations to commercial master planning and stormwater management.

a mélange of my product design projects including furniture, home appliance, lighting, and personal accessories revolving around modular concepts, user-centered design, and sustainability.

featuring my select user research projects aimed at understanding user traits, usage trends, persona creation, and target group refinement in order to inform the design process and facilitate spatial and digital interfaces, enhance user experience, and improve product lifecycle.

illustrating my ardent passion for design via architectural hand-drawings, industrial sketches, hand rendering, and artistic portraits.

a synopsis of my research articles and books on industrial design, user-experience, and landscape architecture subjects.

an outline of my academic degrees, certifications, and awards in various design disciplines.

about me

Aman is a designer concentrating on landscape architecture at Great Oaks Associates with a background in product design, and user experience. Whether designing for outdoor spaces or industrial products, his passion gravitates toward user-centered design, enhancing user experience, and promoting sustainability. With his expertise, he brings design visions to life.

designer, how to become a designer, design tutorial, design techniques, landscape architecture
designer, how to become a designer, design tutorial, design techniques, landscape architecture

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